Portuguese Shoes Campaign for 2020 by APICCAPS
Portuguese Shoes Campaign 2020

Earlier this year, APICCAPS launched a Portuguese Shoes Campaign for 2020 with the theme “We are FOOTure”. APICCAPS is a nation-wide association of Portuguese Footwear, Components, Leather Goods Manufacturers, based in Porto, founded in 1975.

We are FOOTure

“Times change, wills change, people change, trust changes; Everything is composed of change, always taking on new qualities.
We are those who have crossed the deserts, the forests and the seas. We are the ones who think… discover and reconfigure the notion of the world. We are the brave, we are whole and unique, together we embrace the sea, and with it we navigate all adventures. We are the ones raised from the ground who think that all change is the future and all the future is change.
We are what we want to be, and we want more and better every second, because we are made of history and of an immense desire.
Because only in this way are we future”.

Visit portugueseshoes.pt to see other campaigns.